
White Discharge Before Period – 6 Stages of Cervical Mucus Production and Five Pathological Variants

  1. Creamy stinky vaginal discharge. Apart from infection, the vagina can be affected by dysbacteriosis. This involves substitution of lactobacteria with pathogenic Gardnerella vaginalis, which also make part of normal microflora, only in a limited number. These pathogenic microorganisms develop in the setting of immune deficiency. In this case, the mucus acquires fishy smell, which also provokes significant irritation in the area of sex organs.
  2. Foamy discharge. Occurrence of bubbles in profuse liquid discharge is a symptom of trichomoniasis, which is a sexually contracted disease.
  3. Clear watery discharge. Such an alteration may be provoked by multiple conditions. This type of discharge is never observed in the postmenopausal period, and in some cases it accompanies tubal pathologies (such as cancer, disturbance of ectopic pregnancy). In the last mentioned cases, vaginal discharge is not transparent. It contains blood, while painful sensations may accompany the discharge from the vagina.
  4. Milky white discharge with various admixtures. This last variant may contain matter (obvious infectious nature) or blood. Appearance of blood in the discharge is characteristic to various diseases: hormonal dysfunction, microtraumas, inflicted during intercourse, sexually transmitted diseases, oncological pathologies of the uterus and the uterine cervix, etc.

Thus, changes of color, consistency or amount of white discharge before period should urge the woman to consult a gynecologist. Since only the specialist can define the nature or the etiology of changes, prescribing adequate therapy.

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