
My Period Won’t Stop – What Should I Do? 9 Causes and Treatment

3. Endometrial cancer

This is severe and rather a common disease (this type of cancer is the third most common oncological disease in women all over the world). Its causes and symptom set are practically identical to those of endometrial hyperplasia.

Preventive gynecological examinations are very important (especially in the postmenopausal period) in terms of the possibility of detection of this disease in its early stages, in which case the doctor will be able to opt for medical therapy or surgical intervention.

4. Uterine fibroid

Uterine fibroids affect the muscular layer of the uterus rather than its mucous lining. Nevertheless, this condition also results in prolonged periods. Besides, the tumor may put pressure on the adjacent organs, leading to pelvic pain and impossibility of normal childbearing. Unlike the two previously discussed pathologies, fibromyomas most often appear at reproductive age.

Its genetic etiology is being studied, while the relatedness of fibromyoma to the level of estrogen is already established. Thus, uterine fibromyomas may spontaneously regress after the postmenopausal period, due to the absence of estrogen sustention. Eradication of the myomatous nodule, as well as “deactivation” of vessels, nourishing the tumor, are applied as an alternative to medical therapy.

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