
Clear Stretchy Vaginal Discharge: What Is It?

There’s also no reason to worry if after ovulation, in the 2nd phase of the cycle, your discharge is getting scantier and acquires a cream-like consistency. Two-three days before period such secretions may get more profuse. If clear stretchy mucous discharge has no unpleasant odor, you are healthy. If there are some additional symptoms, not experienced previously, you need to consult with a specialist.

Clear stretchy vaginal discharge can appear during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester and before labor. In the former case, such secretions are produced because of the hormone level changes in the woman`s organism. In the latter case stretchy discharge appears from the mucus plug. This symptom can be treated as one of the precursors to labor. Sometimes these mucous secretions can be mixed with blood. In such a case it is better to consult a doctor and to prepare for oncoming labor.

One more reason for having clear, but heavier discharge is climate conditions change, hormonal therapy and, perhaps surprising for you, a new sex partner.

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