
Clear Stretchy Vaginal Discharge: What Is It?

Normally during the day secretions acquire a yellowish hue on a panty-liner. However, at the time of ovulation, approximately on the 12-16th day of the menstrual cycle, the character and amount of vaginal discharge changes. It becomes stretchy, thin and clear, reminding the raw egg white. As for the amount, your ovulation discharge is more abundant than usually. “Egg-white” period lasts no longer than 2-3 days. This phenomenon is absolutely normal and doesn’t require any medical treatment. If you want to conceive, you may use this cervical mucus method to plan your pregnancy. To catch the most fertile days you need to track the characteristics of your mid-cycle vaginal discharge for several months. At the beginning of the cycle your cervical secretions are clear and scant, several days before ovulation they become more abundant and stretchy.

When clear discharge intensifies before sex, it is also normal. This happens because of the sexual arousal or after orgasm. However, vaginal secretions in healthy women do not cause any irritation, itching or discomfort. If you still doubt whether your cervical discharge is normal, it’s recommended to visit a gynecologist and do a vaginal swab. In case the amount of leukocytes is within the norm and bacilli predominate in flora, there’s no inflammatory process, so you may put your worries aside. Moreover, more abundant discharge is characteristic for STD. So, if you feel pains or itching several days and even weeks after unprotected sex, it can be ‘a present from Venus’.

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