
Various Measures to Avoid Smelly Vaginal Discharge

Vaginal discharge is a naturally occurring phenomenon in women. It helps to keep the vagina healthy and well lubricated. The normal discharge is odourless, but when the smell turns foul it is time to get alert and take action. Some other signs apart from bad smell of an abnormal discharge are:

  • Change in colour or consistency of the fluid
  • Unexpected bleeding
  • Itchiness or rash in and around vagina
  • Burning sensation during urination

Reasons for abnormal discharge

Basically, the process of daily discharge is due to the removal of dead cells and tissues from the walls of the vagina, which creates a healthy environment for the growth of preventive bacteria. During this process there is usually no odour. However, if there is any type of odour, it means the pH balance of the vagina has changed from acidic to alkaline. This alkalinity becomes a breeding ground for parasites and fungi, which lead to abnormal discharge and various infections. Abnormal discharge means thick, brown or greenish coloured and smelly vaginal discharge.

The main causes of abnormal and smelly discharge are:

  • It could be the compression of veins in the genital region. When such congestion happens there are high chances of infections
  • Infection from bladder to vagina
  • Infection from the rectum to the vagina
  • Abnormal fluid draining from the abdomen to the uterus and vagina.

All these conditions inhibit the growth of healthy bacteria and destroy them. Also, the above mentioned causes prevent favourable environment for healthy discharge. However, there is no reason to panic. One must understand that there is a solution for every problem.

Outlined below are the main vaginal infections that are accompanied by odour and also their treatments.

  • Yeast infection- This is mainly due to the overgrowth of yeast. Such infections are caused by high stress levels, use of oral contraceptives, diabetes or use of high dosage of antibiotics. It can be treated with over the counter medicines to bring down the overgrowth of yeast.
  • Thrush- It’s a fungal infection, which destroys preventive bacteria in the vagina and causes rash and intense itchiness in the region. It can be treated with antifungal medicines.
  • Grey fishy smelling discharge- This is due to the bacterial Vaginosis (BV). It can easily be treated with antibiotics.
  • Trichomoniasis: This is a common Sexually Transferred Infection (STI) caused by a parasite. It changes the colour of the discharge from yellow to green. It swells up the vagina and leads to congestion of veins in vagina, which becomes painful. For its treatment you should visit your gynaecologist.
  • Chlamydia or Gonorrhoea (both STI’s) – These infections cause pain and itchiness in the vagina and also have strong smell and greenish discharge. Sometimes bleeding also occurs. With such symptoms you should visit the gynaecologist.

If these infections are not treated properly they may lead to pelvic inflammatory disease, which is an infection of the womb, fallopian tubes and ovaries.

Simple measures to avoid various infections

  • Have protected sex
  • Adopt proper hygiene
  • Eat well balanced diet.
  • Be alert about any significant changes in the vaginal discharge
  • Wear cotton panty and clean them properly

By adopting such precautions in one’s lifestyle, women will be able to avoid such infections.