
Main Causes of Black Vaginal Discharge

Abnormal Black Vaginal Discharge

Abnormal vaginal discharge may be caused due to other reasons like pelvic infection after surgery, yeast infection, pelvic inflammatory disease, vulvitis, vaginitis, cervicitis, endometritis, salpingitis, and many more. Logically, the treatment of this discharge problem varies depending on the cause.

You definitely need to contact your doctor:

- if black discharge is abundant;

- if scant dark discharge lasts more than three days;

- if such vaginal secretions appear every time after sex;

- when you have additional symptoms like fever, strong abdominal or back pains, dryness, burning and itching sensations in the vaginal area;

- if you have black discharge in the postmenopausal period;

- in case you started to intake hormonal medications and dark discharge appears from time to time during more than three months.

Dark vaginal secretions can be normal only before period or after menses, in other cases they are a serious matter for concern and a reason to talk with a doctor.

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