Let us study the distinctive features of implantation bleeding:
- It takes place approximately on the 20th day of a 28 day menstrual cycle.
- IB appears in the form of spotting or thick brownish discharge.
- It does not imply any painful sensations.
- After spotting in early stages, other sighs of pregnancy may come in sight.
Allowed time for brown discharge
Classically, ovulation occurs in the middle of a regular cycle, which lasts 21-35 days. That means, implantation can take place on the 16th to 23rd day, depending on the length of your cycle. Thus, brown discharge can be expected starting from the initial phase of implantation, when the ovum is just adhering to the mucous lining, previously affected by special bioactive substances.
Most often, complete healing of endometrium, which kind of envelops the new born life, protecting it, takes place in 13 days following “implantation”. In order to find out the period when there are best chances to see implantation bleeding, you can divide your cycle into two (calculating the ovulation) and add 10 days (implantation “fervor”). This spotting can last for a few more days.