
Very Light Periods With Dark-Brown Blood – Causes and Preventive Methods

Hypogonadotrophic cause for scanty periods with dark-brown blood is also common in our times. Deficiency of this hormone can be caused by permanent stress (nervous exhaustion) and critical weight loss. Detrimental lifestyle, including blind adherence to unreal regimen, imposed by the fashion industry, is fraught with disruption of endocrine balance, and consequently, decrease of menstrual blood.

It is hard to advise how to avoid stressful situations, but maintaining normal weight is possible through adhering to body mass index (BMI). It is equal to weight (kg) divided by height (m2). Values between 18,5 – 25 are considered a norm.

Reoccurrence of the symptom in the form of brown spotting instead of a period requires visiting a doctor, since it can indicate to various disorders of the woman’s health.

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