
Very Light Period: Why Can Your Period Be Extremely Scanty?

  • Chronic endometritis.

Long-term usage of the intrauterine device, abortions or other surgical interventions into the uterine cavity may trigger various infections. In such a case a woman has strong pelvic pains, her body temperature increases greatly. If this condition isn`t treated properly and timely, its acute form turns into chronic. Scanty brown discharge instead of a normal period and spotting between periods are the most common symptoms of endometritis.

  • Hypomenstrual syndrome (hypomenorrhea).

If periods occur more rarely than once in 35 days, are scanty and a woman is in child-bearing age, she may be dealing with infertility symptoms. Temporary disorders according to the type of hypomenstrual syndrome may occur due to stress, overworking, severe diseases or inflammatory processes, etc. If hypomenstrual syndrome is long-term, it’s associated with serious hormonal disorders, affecting any level of neuroendocrine system, responsible for the childbearing function.

  • Dieting.

Strict diets when organism lacks such indispensable nutrients, as vitamins and microelements, may also cause scanty periods. Moreover, low body fat also leads to unpleasant consequences, for example, to the total absence of menstrual bleeding, known as amenorrhea.

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