
Vaginal Discharge before Period – Is It Normal or A Symptom of Disease

Many women don’t feel comfortable when they experience vaginal discharge for the first time. The condition forces them to think, am I normal? Is vaginal discharge a symptom of a serious disease? In most cases, vaginal discharge is perfectly normal, but not in all cases. Knowing the difference between a healthy and abnormal vaginal discharge can help you take the correct decision. An odorless vaginal discharge before period is normal, but it is alarming when the discharge has a foul odor.

Vaginal discharge varies in odor and color. For example, old age women often experience brown vaginal discharge. Women who are pregnant experience yellowish discharge quite often. Depending on the physical stage, the color and the odor changes, some of the colors are:

  • Green
  • Yellow
  • White
  • Brown
  • Watery or stretchy
  • Clear

A normal discharge is white in color and has no odor. The amount of discharge varies from female to female. A healthy discharge is never associated with burning or itching symptoms. The purpose of a normal discharge is to make the individual know that everything is fine. Abnormal pain in any part of the body is an alarming sign that something is wrong. Similarly, if you feel vaginal pain, then it needs expert attention.

When to see a doctor?

The vagina is a complex part of the female body, which has many micro-organisms including bacteria. Most bacteria are harmless, but some can cause infection. The smelly fluid that comes out of the vagina before the period causes burning and itching, which is generally a sign of bacterial infection.  At any point of time, if you feel the foul odor from vaginal discharge before period is accompanied with burning and itching feeling, it’s time to see a doctor. Never ignore the symptoms as the condition can get worse with time.


The abnormal vaginal discharge can be easily prevented. Stay clean as far as possible. Most females rush, when they bath and leave the vagina uncleaned. Use mild warm water and soap to clean the vaginal area. Physical exercise can prevent abnormal vaginal discharge. Sometimes anxiety can cause the condition. Hormonal imbalance or poor health condition can also cause abnormal discharge. It is advisable to live a healthy lifestyle in order to prevent abnormal vaginal discharge.

Possible treatment:

Never try to diagnose your condition with the online information. The symptoms that you experience may look similar to those mentioned on the online recourses, but the cause of the signs might be different. The exact treatment for abnormal vaginal discharge depends on the underlying cause. Make sure that you contact a gynecologist to find out your condition before any treatment.

Chronic conditions can be treated with proper medication. Usually, doctors will prescribe you several antibiotics to control the condition. The abnormal vaginal discharge before period is never a life threatening issue, which does not mean that you should not seek medical attention. The recovery from the condition depends on how quickly you recognize and take necessary steps.