
Pink Discharge After Period: What Should One Beware Of?

Normally, vaginal discharge is either transparent or white. Light-pink discharge after menstruation is a result of slight bleeding. It may be caused by ovulation, implantation or adjustment to a new type of contraceptive means (physiological reasons), while it can also be provoked by a number of pathological factors.

Vaginal discharge is observed in the majority of women throughout the whole menstrual cycle. Discharge between periods is either transparent or whitish. Its intensity depends on the specific day of the cycle. In case the discharge acquires pink coloring, then it is most probably associated with slight bleeding.

Can pink discharge after period be considered a variant of norm?

If slightly pinkish discharge occurs in the very middle of the cycle and does not involve any discomfort for the woman who is in absolutely good health, then we can speak about ovulation bleeding. The fact is that the ovum’s emergence from the follicle can in some cases be accompanied by affection of minor vessels. This phenomenon is associated with individual characteristic feature of the organism and, consequently, it does not require any medical correction.

Bleeding, induced by the adjustment to birth control pills at the initial stage of using this contraceptive means, i.e. mid cycle pink discharge, looks very similar to the previous type. This discharge is caused by local hormonal changes and is absolutely harmless, as long as it is not accompanied by other symptoms and stanches by itself in the 3-6 month after the intake of the new drug. In all other cases, it may be required to stop using the drug.

Pink bleeding after period can also be indicative to implantation. Its distinctive features are:

  • It comes closer to the next period, but still occurs a few days ahead of it;
  • Painlessness;
  • Early pregnancy symptoms show up immediately after discharge.

How can one identify pathological light-pink vaginal discharge after period?

Anomalous bleeding can be one-time or regular. Sometimes it is observed after a sexual intercourse, while in other cases it might occur quite spontaneously. Apart from blood, pink discharge may contain other admixtures and not be different from physiological variants, except for its color. All these aspects depend on the cause of such bleeding.

First of all, pink discharge after period, resulting from an undiagnosed pregnancy, should be paid special attention to. It can testify to the disturbance of its normal course. Two groups can be outlined among the factors, that are not associated with child bearing, and those are gynecological and somatic.

The latest include general diseases and conditions, namely:

  • Thyroid dysfunctions other endocrine pathologies;
  • Coagulation failure;
  • Intake of drugs that affect the coagulation function.

Hypothyroidism (thyroid pathology) is characterized by chronic fatigue, hyperhidrosis, and in some cases, obesity. This disease, the same way as hematological diseases, mentioned above, require observation and treatment by a subject matter specialist.

Gynecological causes of pink vaginal discharge after period:

  • Endometriosis – a specific disease of the inner mucous lining of the uterus (endometrium), which assumes insular proliferation of the endometrial lining outside the uterine cavity;
  • Adenomyosis – ingrowth of the endometrial lining into the myometrium (uterine muscular layer);
  • Myomas and other neoplasmas of the uterus are characterized by periodical but irregular bleeding of various intensity and persistence, including pink mid cycle discharge;
  • Precancerous and cancerous pathology of the uterine cervix – these conditions are often accompanied by scant bleeding after intercourse;
  • Hormonal disruptions, including ovarian polycystic disease, most often appear in the form of chaotic bloody discharge caused by an irregular menstrual cycle;
  • Sexually transmitted diseases can provoke not only pink discharge after period, but also a number of other symptoms – irritations of skin and genital mucous lining, itching and burning, unpleasant smell and presence of foreign matter (purulence, foam) in the vaginal secrete.

Unfortunately, most of the mentioned pathologies remain unrevealed since they may involve no other symptoms except for light-pink discharge, and women often ignore any scant bleeding. It should be noted that even painless but reoccurring spotting or pink discharge constitute sufficient ground for a visit to a gynecologist. Such a precaution means is the guarantee of women’s health.

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