
Mechanisms with which hormones affect woman’s mood

It has long been known that hormones are responsible for our mood. And it is necessary to realize that mechanism of action of hormones is an extremely complicated process, and in many ways it is not fully examined. Let us try to understand how it all works!

The algorithm of production and action of hormones is as follows:

  1. A hormone is released by the gland and enters the bloodstream, where immediately binds to albumin. Only 5% of the secreted hormone stays in blood in a free state. Exactly this fraction is biologically active.

  2. With the blood flow hormone is delivered to all organs and tissues and starts contacting with them. However, it’s specific effect starts after connection with only sensitive to this hormone receptors.

  3. After the hormone and the receptor compound, the cell starts a cascade of biochemical reactions. These reactions influence the behavior of cells: producing of different substances may either increase or decrease (sometimes even stop), permeability of channels in the membranes can be improved or get worse, and so on.

The relationship between actions we do and emotions we feel

Certain actions provoke production of certain hormones, for instance:

  • İntensive exercise sessions provoke the release of endorphin hormone by the pituitary gland, and during all the time endorphin stays in blood it helps people cope with stress and poor health, and discharges the pain in the body. İt simply works as anesthetic, that is why we don’t feel pain in muscles after training at once, but we begin to feel it in a day or two, that exactly means that the action of endorphin produced in the process of training is finished. We can also stimulate production of this hormone, for example with the help of listening to music or visiting art-gallery. İt is scientifically proved that we can easily feel euphoria from contact with works of art.

  • Another hormone is connected with our stresses: hormone adrenaline is produced by cells of adrenal at the moment we feel fear. Adrenaline, like a poison, is possible to deduce from the body: all is needed, to drink plenty of water, do intensive exercises and adrenaline will be released through sweat. Another way to release adrenaline is to cry and it will leave you with tears, but emotionally the first method is much more pleasant.

  • İn the evening before falling asleep pineal gland produces melatonin which makes us drowsy and lethargic. Surplus of melanin drives us into a depression, but fortunately melanin is easily broken by sunlight. So try to get up early and give your body a little more sun in order to feel better.

As a matter of fact, there is no hormone making us feel lonely or unnecessary to this world, no hormone make us dissatisfied with ourselves or the situation in which we are living, it is nothing but scarcity of physical training and in-time rest which causes bad mood. And with the knowledge of interrelation between our actions and our emotions we can easily control our mood and if it is necessary, immediately take a pill in the form of physical training or a visit to art-gallery.