
Causes Of Brown Vaginal Discharge

Brown vaginal discharge is not always the cause for concern. Women are aware of the kind of discharge down there every now and then. It is a natural procedure of cleaning the vagina. Discharge is the flaking of cells and fluids incessantly, but its consistency varies according to the monthly cycle of the women. It ranges from whitish watery discharge to slightly thick consistency.

What roots the brown vaginal discharge?

  • Normal conditions – Vaginal secretion should never be regarded as unhealthy, but brown discharge is mostly linked with the old endometrial tissues. If your menstrual period is delayed you may get brown instead of the usual red coloured discharge. This also indicates that for some reason in your last period the complete uterine lining was unsuccessful in making a timely exit. Therefore, what is seen now is the late exit.
  • Grave conditions – In certain cases brown discharge from the vagina is a matter of medical concern, which is more threatening than remaining endometrial cells.
  1. Yeast infection – If the infection is extreme, when the menstrual cycle is nearby than it is rooted by Candida Albicans bacteria. It may be odourless or has a slight yeast odour.
  2. Vulvovaginitis – It is grounded by bacteria causing brown or yellow discharge with foul, fishy, and strong odour.
  3. PID or Pelvic Inflammatory Disease – It is a bacterial infection of uterus, ovaries, or the Fallopian tubes. It is a STD, usually caused by two kinds of bacteria – gonorrhoea and chlamydia. A foul odour, painful urination, bleeding after libido and lower back or pelvis pain are the common symptoms. You need to consult a doctor, if you experience these symptoms.
  4. Gonorrhea – With the other symptoms identical to PID the patient will suffer from mouth lesions.
  5. Chlamydia – Symptoms will be identical to PID, but the patient will start losing appetite and weight.
  6. Cervical cancer – The female will undergo vaginal pain, soreness during sexual intercourse and continuous brown, pink discharge having foul smell.
  7. Genital warts – genital warts are STD’s caused by the Human Papilloma Virus. Warts appear in the genital region and looks like cauliflower. A brownish vaginal discharge, bleeding and itching is experienced after intercourse.
  8. Menopause – Women may experience depression, sweaty skin, burning sensation in her mouth and brown vaginal discharge with unpleasant odour in the urine.

All the above grave conditions display brownish vaginal discharge, but it is essential to get a vaginal examination done by your doctor. Get it treated and cured. Do not get nervous if it is an STD, you are not an unclean person, but the disease is dirty. It is an infection transported through sexual contact meaning you are unlucky and not dirty.

Treatment from brown discharge

  • For normal conditions – If the brownish vaginal discharge is just caused by old uterine cells then treating this condition is a simple process. Change your lifestyle, include better nutrition, regular workouts and drink plenty of water.
  • For grave conditions – Treatments are aimed to treat specific diseases. The treatment options for grave conditions causing brown discharge includes prescription medicines, dietary supplements, chemotherapy, surgery, a Pap smear and regular visit to your doctor.
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